some girls just break our hearts.

you could be that girl.

London fog - m4w

Date: 2010-06-20, 8:33AM PDT

This was a few nights ago. You let me try your London fog. You're so pretty I didn't know quite what to say, and I was kicking myself afterward for not even thinking to introduce myself properly. Would love to have a coffee/London fog/tea sometime? 

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you could be that girl.

you could be that girl.

you could be that girl.


win/win situation.

thanks for giving us a little break everyone. we'd like to express our gratitude by inviting you all to a block party!
fashion's night out is a benefit/raging shopping party to kick start the later-night shopping hours of retailers on johnson, yates, and pandora street! a small donation to the mustard seed gets you special promotions in participating stores for the rest of the evening! talk about a win/win situation.
we'd love you see you after dark down at rebel! come and help us start our summer right.
the event is on thursday june 17th from 6-9PM. bring a non-perishable food item for the mustard seed in order to take advantage of our special offers!

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